Farewell Heights Secondary Plan

The Farewell Heights Secondary Plan* Area covers approximately 107 hectares and is located east of Tooley Road, south of Pebblestone Road, west of Courtice Road, and north of the Adelaide Avenue extension in north Courtice.

Currently, the area includes a mix of agricultural, residential, and commercial uses, along with natural features such as woodlots, wetlands, and Farewell Creek.

The Farewell Heights Secondary Plan will provide more detailed guidance for this area, addressing land uses, transportation, infrastructure, natural heritage, phasing, and urban design.

Have your say on the Farewell Heights Secondary Plan land use development

Residents joined a Public Information Centre on January 30 at 6:30 p.m. to learn about three land use options* for the Farewell Heights area. An overview of those options are available below, and the community is invited to review and rank them in order of highest to lowest preference.

To participate:

  • Click through the tabs to learn more about the Farewell Heights land use options
  • Rank your preferences for residential uses, parks and open space, major road networks and natural heritage systems
  • Complete the demographics questions and click "submit"


Scroll through the options below to compare the location of low and medium density residential housing on each map. Yellow areas represent locations for low-density housing, including single and semi-detached homes and some townhouses. Orange areas represent locations for medium-density housing including townhouses.

After reviewing, please rank the three options from your highest to lowest preference.

🏞️Parks and Open Space

Scroll through the options below to compare the proposed parkland on each map. The options illustrate variations in the locations of a neighbourhood park (larger light green blocks) and smaller parkettes (small light green areas).

Options 1 and 2 include buffers along the western edge of the study area.

All of the options include a trail system that connects the parks, stormwater management ponds, and the natural heritage system.

After reviewing, please rank the parkland options from your highest to lowest preference.

🛣️Major Road Network

Scroll through the options below to compare the major road network on each map. All options include Trulls Road as an arterial road with a collector road system (thick black dashed line) that connects to both Pebblestone Road and Trulls Road.

After reviewing, please rank the major road network options from your highest to lowest preference.

🌲Natural Heritage System

Scroll through the options below to compare the natural heritage system on each map. All of the options illustrate the existing natural heritage system in dark green plus a buffer of 30 meters. All options also show Environmental Constraint areas (hatch pattern). Detailed studies are required in the Environmental Constraint areas prior to allowing development of the proposed land use.

Option 2 illustrates expanding the dark green of the natural heritage system onto the hatched areas which would expand the overall system. Options 1 and 3 maintain the natural system as currently defined.

After reviewing, please rank the natural heritage system options from your highest to lowest preference.

Thank you to everyone who joined us at Public Information Centre #2 on January 30, 2025, to learn about and share your input on three land use options for the Farewell Heights Secondary Plan.

View the Public Information Centre #2 presentation

Thank you to everyone who joined us at Public Information Centre #1 to learn about the secondary plan process and findings from the Phase 1 Background Review and Analysis.

On December 6, 2021, the Municipality held a Public Meeting to initiate the Farewell Heights Secondary Plan and provide Council and the public with the Terms of Reference.

Materials presented at the Public Meeting were:

Public comments received:

PLN 41.11